Chemical Safety Science, 2018, Volume 2, No 2, p. 173 — 182


Technologies for the elimination of chemical hazards


UDC 661.182.547.721                                                          Download PDF (RUS)

DOI: 10.25514/CHS.2018.2.14115



Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

S. M. Turabdzhanov, T. V. Ponamaryova, D. A. Yusupova, Z. Sh. Nazirov, and L. S. Rakhimova*

Received Oktober 11, 2018

Published December 26, 2018

Abstract – One of the most effective methods for purifying industrial wastewater and water bodies contaminated with heavy metal ions is an extraction procedure by means of ion-exchange sorbents, which provides selective removal of metal ions followed by their utilization and return of purified effluents into circulating water supply system. A procedure has been developed for synthesis of a novel polycondensation type phosphorylated cation-exchange polymer with relevant selectivity towards copper(II) ions. The cation-exchange polymer is functionalized with phosphoryl groups and can be obtained by polycondensation reaction of diphenyloxide and furfural, followed by product phosphorylation. Mechanism of the phosphorylation process has been established and quantum chemical calculations for formation of a complex of cation-exchanger with copper atoms have been carried out. The sorbent regeneration capacity, consumption of wash water, along with sorption characteristics for copper(II) ions were determined in laboratory under dynamic conditions. The synthesized cation-exchange resin is characterized by high selectivity for copper(II) ions thus enabling their removal from contaminated solutions up to the values of maximum permissible concentration.

Keywords: complexation, selectivity, distinguishability, cation-exchanger, regeneration, ecotoxicant, waste water, copper(II) ions.


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