Chemical Safety Science, 2018, Volume 2, No 2, p. 139 — 150


UDC 54.084:621.389                                                                   Download PDF (RUS)

DOI: 10.25514/CHS.2018.2.14111



А. А. Mikhailov1*, М. О. Etrekova1,2, А. S. Storozhenko1, D. G. Bukharov3, Т. B. Sokolov4, and Yu. G. Parshikov5

1OOO NPF “INKRAM”, Moscow, Russia, *e-mail: mikhailov[at]

2National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia

3National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow, Russia

4D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, St. Petersburg, Russia

5Interdepartmental Center for Analytical Research in Physics, Chemistry and Biology
at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

 Received October 16, 2018

Abstract – A simple and reliable method for measuring pre-explosive concentrations of flammable gases and vapors using an acoustic detector is proposed. The detector test results are reported for measuring pre-explosive concentrations of a series of vapors of combustible lubricants and special liquids in the air in the range from 0 to 60% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation. The results indicate that the acoustic detector has a variety of significant advantages over thermal catalytic and infrared detectors, traditionally used to monitor pre-explosive concentrations of hazardous chemicals in the air of industrial fire and explosion hazardous facilities.

Keywords: acoustic gas sensor, combustible gas detector, pre-explosive concentration of flammable gases and vapors.


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